Internationales Forschungskolloquium
12.–13. November 2021
Villa Lanna, Prag
Internationales Forschungskolloquium Unter dem Titel “Haushaltungen. Erprobungen des oikologischen Denkens” fand am 30. September und am 1. Oktober 2021 im neuen Gebäude der Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften in Prag-Libeň das erste Kolloquium zur Oikologie statt, das künftig regelmäßig veranstaltet wird. Online zugeschaltet waren Teilnehmende aus Russland, Südamerika und Afrika. Grant project “The “Face of Nature” in Contemporary French Phenomenology. The Challenges of a New Meta-Ethics and Ecology” (GAP 21-22224S). July 2021 – June 2024 Husserl’s diagnose of the crisis of man becomes eminently actual once we understand it as the crisis both of man and of nature. For modern science has achieved such a success by pulling things out of the world and by transforming them into manipulated objects. Consequently, natural resources are exhausted and non-recyclable waste is accumulated. But Husserl’s specific solution of the crisis – his meta-ethical ideal of the phenomenological foundation of human life in absolute subjectivity – is no longer actual because phenomenology has been largely transformed since the publication of The Crisis of European Sciences. Contemporary French phenomenology has substituted new dynamic descriptions of the relation between man and nature for Husserlian absolute (inter)subjectivity constituting nature as a dependent formation. The project’s main objective is to investigate and systematically interpret these new descriptions according to which man is being transformed by its encounters with the transcendent “face of nature”. By developing this framework, the project aims to provide fundamental elements for a new phenomenological meta-ethics, and to contribute to eco-phenomenology. Team members: Karel Novotný (principal investigator), Petr Prášek, Daniela Matysová From 2021 to 2023, the SIF is conducting a three-year research project on Eugen Fink and French phenomenology in cooperation with the Bergische Universität Wuppertal, which is bilaterally funded by the DFG and GAČR. Cathrin Nielsen, Alessio Rotundo and Alexander Schnell are participating at Bergische Universität Wuppertal and Lutz Niemann, Karel Novotny and Hans Rainer Sepp at SIF. The project examines the influence that Eugen Fink’s thought has had on 20th century and contemporary French philosophy. This is essential not only for understanding the development of phenomenology in France, but also for the history of phenomenology in general. While the birthplace of phenomenology was in Germany, it spread to other countries with the second generation of phenomenologists and with a focus on its reception in France from the 1930s onward. Today, especially the dialogue between the German- and French-speaking members of the third and fourth generation of phenomenologists plays a main role. Against this background, the genuine form of Fink’s work and its significance for contemporary philosophizing in general will be elucidated by this project. In doing so, the exploration of central motifs in Fink’s thought is laid out around the two main thematic axes of methodology and cosmology, which will allow the integration of other research areas related to Fink. In addition to these research goals, the overall aim of this project is to work together with the newly founded Eugen Fink Zentrum in Wuppertal on the edition of the Eugen Fink Complete Work Edition and to establish a worldwide network that will give Fink research the greatest possible visibility. Leib und Literatur – philosophische Perspektiven eine Konferenz in Kiel Am Dienstag, den 7.5.2019, wird PD Dr. Robert Leucht (Deutsches Seminar, Universität Zürich) im Hauptgebäude der Karls-Universität, dem Karolinum (am Ovocný trh in der Prager Altstadt), und dort im Vlastenecký sál einen öffentlichen Vortrag halten: Titel: Eine »hoch gespannte Brücke zwischen Nord und Süd und Ost und West«. Die Schweiz als Europautopie, 1918-1990 Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen der zwischen der Karls-Universität Prag und der Universität Zürich abgeschlossenen Projektkooperation “Imaginations from the Periphery: Visions of Europe in Switzerland and Czechoslovakia, 1918-1990”, organisiert von Hans Rainer Sepp, Robert Leucht und Benjamin Kaiser, statt. Der Botschaftler der Schweiz in der Tschechischen Republik, Dominik Furgler, wird ein Begrüßungswort sprechen. The German Society for phenomenological Research (Deutsche Gesellschaft für phänomenologische Forschung) awarded prof. Hans Rainer Sepp by inviting him to deliver the Husserl-Lecture at the Husserl working days (Husserl-Arbeitstage) in Cologne, October 18th, 2018.
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