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What is SIF?

"SIF" stands for "Středoevropský Institut Filosofie" ("The Central-European Institute of Philosophy"). The Institute promotes philosophy and transdisciplinary research. It achieves its goals through a specific curriculum and research, emphasizing the transdisciplinary and intercultural aspects and international cooperation. Furthermore,it hosts workshops and conferences,participates in several publishing activities and promotes the exchange of students and professors.

Embodied (inter)subjectivity: between phenomenological and experimental research

3–4th June 2013
Prague: Národní 3, Hall No. 205

Keynote Speakers:
Thomas Fuchs (University of Heidelberg)
Shaun Gallagher (University of Memphis/Hertfordshire)
James Mensch (Charles University Prague)
Thomas Nenon (University of Memphis)
Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen)

Aim of the Conference
The conference aims (1) to reconsider the question of naturalizing phenomenology, and (2) to focus on the ongoing exchange between contemporary phenomenology and the experimental sciences in the field of social cognition research.

See invitation