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What is SIF?

"SIF" stands for "Středoevropský Institut Filosofie" ("The Central-European Institute of Philosophy"). The Institute promotes philosophy and transdisciplinary research. It achieves its goals through a specific curriculum and research, emphasizing the transdisciplinary and intercultural aspects and international cooperation. Furthermore,it hosts workshops and conferences,participates in several publishing activities and promotes the exchange of students and professors.

Conference 10. – 11. 12. 2010

Tagung: “Die Verfassung der Freiheit und das Sinnbild des Kreuzes”
Das religiöse Symbol in der Kultur des säkularen Staates – Versuche einer zeitgemäßen Deutung
Katholische Akademie Trier
10.-11. Dezember 2010

Programm der Tagung Herunterladen